Baby Lawson || Austin, TX Newborn Photography

I honestly can’t imagine loving my job more than I do. Baby Lawson and his family were so fun to work with.

Working with siblings that are toddlers is always hit or miss. Big sister Charlotte is only 2 1/2 but she was amazing at following directions. And the way she loved on her little brother was OMG soooo beyond cute! ❤️

How cool is it that I had a cream and gray outfit for him that perfectly matched the dress big Sis came in? I love when everything falls into place so easily.

He was such a good sleeper and allowed us to get a nice variety of poses and props for his gallery.

Lawson’s perfect little parts make an adorable collage.

How did I get so lucky to be able to do this every day? I don’t know but let’s keep it going….everybody keep making more babies! 😝


Valentina - The Fierce and Fiesty Princess || Austin, TX Child Photography


Baby Cohen || Austin, TX Newborn Photography