Overnight Baby Obsession

Really. It was over night. One day I was like "no way I will shoot newborns" and the next I was like "BRING ME ALL OF THE BABIES!"

I love the lifestyle-type photos of the new baby at home with mom and dad, and those are super easy and fun.

But then they whipped out a tu-tu and I almost died. A few little adjustments and my obsession was born.

My first newborn <3

My first newborn <3

The posed shots are hard, yo. You needs tons of equipment and props and good lighting and then you need a sleepy baby. I don't know if you know this, but babies pretty much do what they want to do. So if they don't want to sleep, they won't. But I love the challenge of getting the shot. It may take a few hours, but it's soooooo worth it.

My little Easter bunny boy &lt;3

My little Easter bunny boy <3

She's so adorable I want to take her home!

She's so adorable I want to take her home!

I cheated here. These are 2 out of 3 triplets. One was nursing and I just couldn't stop photographing them.

I cheated here. These are 2 out of 3 triplets. One was nursing and I just couldn't stop photographing them.

LOOK AT THAT FACE! I can't handle the cuteness!

LOOK AT THAT FACE! I can't handle the cuteness!

Happiest 3 month old ever. I wuv her &lt;3

Happiest 3 month old ever. I wuv her <3

So for now, I'm a photographer who wants to specialize in weddings, babies, and concerts. Can I do that or is that just weird? I am weird, so I should just roll with it. And that's what I plan to do :)


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